Welcome to my blog

Here, I delve into a wide range of topics, including law, technology, pressing issues facing Bhutan, and my personal journey. As a writer, I am passionate about sharing my thoughts and insights on these subjects with a broader audience. My blog offers a thought-provoking and informative perspective on the issues that matter most to you and me.

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Stanford Law School Essay

By Basnet Sirius | April 7 

I have always had a strong passion for technology. It all began when I saw a computer with a wallpaper of a stunning green hill and a blue sky with cl

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His Majesty's Vision for Bhutan

By Basnet Sirius | April 6 

Today (07/10/2021) is an auspicious day. An indelible moment for all the students at Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law. We have been looking forwar

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Does International Law allow Self-Defence in Cyberspace?

By Basnet Sirius | April 6 

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the positive side bring profound changes through convergence, increased globalization, and access

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National Digital Identity System in Bhutan - Meeting Data Protection and Privacy Imperatives

By Basnet Sirius | April 6 

Bhutan is in the process of developing a comprehensive National Digital Identity System. While the project is welcome news, there are risks attached

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ICT, Law and Sustainable and Equitable Socio-Economic Development in Bhutan

By Basnet Sirius | April 5 

Abstract This paper aims to analyze the impacts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with a good law in achieving sustainable and equita

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Embracing Change: Exploring Perspectives on Transition for Bhutan

By Basnet Sirius | April 5 

I find no apt thought quote when reflecting on change management in Bhutan than Professor Megginson’s where he states (inspired by Charles Darw

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Reflecting on Gross National Happiness

By Basnet Sirius | April 5 

Having taken numerous classes on Happiness and Gross National Happiness, if you ask what strikes me the most, here are my reflections. Gross National

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What is happiness for you?

By Sirius B | April 5 

“What is happiness for you?” That was the exact question I asked my Instagram audience of 1400 followers (mostly the youths) on the eve of

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Why has Bhutan failed to attract More FDIs

By Basnet Sirius | April 5 

I. Introduction—-Making the Case for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment made by a foreign individ

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Taking an Empathy Walk-- Getting into Shoes of Others

By Basnet Sirius | April 5 

“You never really know a man until you understand things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”, wri

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A Law School in the Forest

By Sirius B | April 5 

Sitting on a hill, I peered through the still trees. Above the snaking thoroughfare, I looked at the hidden campus of law resting at peace with its pe

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Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law and Us

By Basnet Sirius | April 4 

"What will you become?" asked one of the village men. "Thrimpon?" With a big, bright smile, I replied, "I don't know. I'll be very learned in the futu

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Hinduism and the Caste System in Bhutan

By Basnet Sirius | April 4 

As published on Bhutan Law Network / JSW Law Research Paper Series No. 20-03 Religious and cultural influences are inevitable forces in the everyday

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Facing Death - A memoir

By Basnet Sirius | April 3 

For the past few weeks, I had the best things happening in my life. A series of good news that was too good to be true. Unfortunately, folks can&rsqu

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From Classroom to Community: My Transformative Social Enterprise Clinic Experience at JSWLaw

By Basnet Sirius | April 3 

To narrate the experiences of this clinic, I couldn't help but relate to the way a story is told. Let us get a quick flash of what it looks like. The

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